We offer free delivery in Hong Kong and Macau.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship to most countries in Asia. We charge flat shipping rates based on your order:
HK$599 or below: a flat rate of HK$50 - $100
HK$600 - $1,550: a flat rate of HK$100 - $150
HK$1,550 0r above: a flat rate of HK$150 - $200
Will I be charged for taxes?
Any import duties or sales taxes are the responsibility of the customer.
What forms of payments do you accept?
We accept credit cards, PayPal, Alipay HK, WeChat Pay HK or bank transfer to our Hong Kong account. All transactions are paid in Hong Kong dollars.
What are your warranty terms & conditions?
All products are individually inspected before shipping and packed carefully before they leave our warehouse. Shipping insurance is the responsibility of the customer. Products can only be exchanged in the case of wrong size but return shipping is paid by the customer.
Other Manufacturers' Warranties
Sports Life Asia extends to its customers any manufacturer's warranty on merchandise purchased, but otherwise makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of the merchandise in this catalog.
Return & Exchange Policy
Goods sold are not returnable or refundable.
Should there be any inherent defects or damages found on our products, customers should return the goods with its original packaging to our office within 7 days in exchange for a new item of the same model.
Sports Life Asia Ltd reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.
Should there be any dispute, Sports Life Asia Ltd’s decision shall be final.
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